Alan Brand is the Author of:
Positively Alive, Published by Jacana 2005
Positivley Alive Recipe Book, Published by Micromega Publication June 2014
Detailed Profile:
Alan Brand – Lives openly with his HIV status and is dedicated to making a difference by breaking the silence and changing the mindset of those he comes into contact with.
After completing his studies, Alan worked for a period of 23 years in a various positions throughout the hospitality, tourism and catering sector of South Africa. In January 1997, while working as a District Manager, at Fedics Food Services, he was diagnosed with HIV. He joined The Fedics Group HIV/ AIDS Committee in 1997 and was elected chairperson in 1998. He received the Group Managing Directors Special Recommendation Award for his work as chairperson of The Fedics Group HIV/ AIDS Committee in 2000.
Appointed 2001 - Group National HIV/AIDS Manager for the Fedics Group (Now called Tsebo Outsourcing Group). In 2006, this title changed to Group Wellness Manager (HIV/AIDS), strategically positioning him to effectively and holistically develop and implement employee wellness initiatives for an employee workforce of 15 000.
Appointed in July 2003 - Hospitality and Tourism Sector Representative on the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC). Alan is the founding member of the HIV/AIDS Forum of the hospitality industry. During his term of office he co-author a resource guide entitled “Managing HIV/AIDS for South African Tourism and Hospitality Companies” This handbook has greatly enhanced the sectors ability to mitigate and manage the incidence of HIV/AIDS.
He has project managed the groundbreaking approach to the treatment of HIV/AIDS through the introduction of a focus on nutritionally enhanced food products in the workplace. The initiative engages the hospitality sectors core competency to enhance immune wellness and thereby providing a positive impact on general wellness of all employees.
Alan says, “Most organisations in South Africa have some form of in-house HIV management programme however few have considered the benefit of directly addressing the nutritional intake of employees infected with HIV. We want to place the focus on living with HIV, not dying of AIDS. While good nutrition will not cure HIV/AIDS, it most certainly can help maintain and improve health. It will also assist in generally boosting the immune levels of all employees thus having a direct and measurable impact on bottom line productivity and the reduction of the costs associated with HIV and AIDS in the working environment.”
HIV initiatives receive international recognition and awards.
During 2005 Fedics, the diverse contract catering division of the Tsebo Outsourcing Group was a finalist in the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS Awards for Business Excellence in the category “Utilising Core Competency”. Receiving International exposure, when this initiative featured in the awards publication, distributed at the international awards gala in Washington DC.
Establishment of Employee Wellness Consultancy Services
Since establishing his own employee wellness consultancy business in 2011, Alan continues to provide the services of employee wellness consultant and specialist wellness trainer, HIV/AIDS programme co-ordinator and employee assistance practitioner (EAP) to the Tsebo Outsourcing Group and an impressive customer base. By developing innovative and customised wellness initiatives for SMME’s, large corporate organisations, businesses and government department, Alan has been able to reach a broad spectrum of employers, employees, associations and organisation in Southern Africa.
Author and motivational speaker:
Alan’s writes monthly articles for the award winning wellness publication “The Ripple Effect” and is the guest editor of The Ripple Effect World AIDS Day special edition distributed throughout South Africa. These articles have been an inspiration to many people.
During 2004, Metropolitan commissioned Alan to publish his journals/diaries on the Metropolitan website as part of their Living with HIV diary project.
During 2005, he completed a book detailing his experiences in living and thriving with HIV. This book entitled “Positively Alive”, published and distributed through Jacana Media. Copies of his book are available at Exclusive Books or alternatively by ordering it on line at or
Alan's second book was published June 2014, Posiitivley Alive Recipe Book, provides immune boosting recipes as well as information on nutrition and diet for people living with HIV. Now available from the publisher, Micromega Publications: Visit the Micromega Publications Online Store: for copies of the rescipe book.
Alan features in many publications and newspapers amongst others:
You, Huisgenoot and the Drum Magazines
Business Day
South African AIDS Journal
The Sowetan
The Star
AIDS Management Report
Television and Radio interviews that have been conducted with Alan include NBC late night news, SABC, Good Morning Live, Tourismbiz, 702 and Cape Talk, Kaya FM, East Coast Radio, SAFM, Algoa FM, E news and other community based radio stations.
In October 2008, Alan created the very successful internet support and information social web-based network “Positively Alive”. Positively Alive provides a free resource service as well as counselling, information and support/forums for HIV+ gay, bisexual and transgender men and MSM in South Africa.
Alan’s activities as a motivational speaker, conference facilitation and training provider are too many to mention.
For more on Alan or to find out about the employee wellness consultancy services and employee wellness training programmes he provides contact Alan directly as follows:
Alan Brand
Employee Wellness Consultant and Specialist Trainer
Mobile: +27 (82) 453-0560
E-mail: or